New Secret Weird Way to Turn your Online Store Into A Money Making Machine

New Secret Weird Way to Turn your Online Store Into A Money Making Machine

New Secret Weird Way to Turn your Online Store Into A Money Making Machine

Im going to layout step by step how you can generate millions for your online store start to finish. Stick with me here.

Lets go!

Step 1 :Run paid advertising or traffic to your landing page.

Now this sounds basic to everyone and simple yet, most people really don’t know how to do this and be profitable. There are other traffic sources but Facebook, Google and TikTok*(Out Side Of India) works best for e-commerce.

So let me show you.

  • Get ad creatives, videos and photos that intrigue and strike emotion…you can be as weird as you like with this…cuz your competing against babies and cute dogs and viral accidents performing on Facebook.
  • Ads should look like news article on facebook…. it’s proven time an time again to work…and has one of the most shares and reaches on the platform.
  • Your headlines should spark curiosity and emotion for your desired customer to click.
    Check out National Enquirer for crazy headlines that spark curiosity in readers.
  • Copy: your copy should be intriguing and makes your customers feel felt and understood.

Long form copy works WELL.

  • The Ad is to sell the click, NOT your product.
  • If the budget isn’t there for facebook, i recommend using TikTok, post 4 times a day ,for 3days in a week….you will be wowed with results.

Step 2: Ads Go to your Landing page.

Now this is where most companies make the mistake of running an ad straight to your shopify website….this isn’t efficient anymore.

You ask why?


Lets say your have different SKUes of products in your website.

A customer comes into your store and is totally confused on which to buy, you then make it hard for the customer to make a decision fast.

Confusion causes inaction.

This happens mostly to cold customers that just found out about your product, which is what we are all pushing for, right.

You need a separate front end landing page, to sell your customer on your offer.

So what those the landing page contain that generates you millions.

1. An irresistible offer.

Now I’m not talking of your typical 10% of your first purchase. Nah.

Im talking of an offer that your customers would be fools saying no.
This will be your headline on the page.

How do you craft this offer?

Do your research: what would be so valuable to your customer that they can’t say no to.

  • It could be convince,
  • It could be less time
  • It could be more of the thing they want at a huge discount.
  • It could be FREE

Search deep into your market and know what they really want, find out there desires and pain point.

2. Sales video: after your headline you have your sales video, this is where you talk about the benefits of the product, NOT the features.

3.Order form: this where 30 percent of the money is made this captures their name and email address.

Well you might think, isn’t this what we already do in our Shopify store…well yes.

But this is different, because of our irresistible offer, your customers will willing with all power and might drop their emails so that they can get their tiny little hands on your offer.

And once that’s done your game, because now
you can keep marketing to them with your email campaigns, which is where the other 50% is made.

For every online store your email list is the life blood of your business this are where fortunes are made.

4. Spice the landing page with Features and Testimonials of your products.

“The more you tell the more you sell”

Talk about your features with images and diagrams, flood the page with what your customers are saying about your product and make it believable.

5. Upsells and crossells:

Now this is where the money is been made.

After your customer has purchased your offer. And they’ve ordered, before they leave the page.

Another page pops up telling them to wait if they would want more of the same thing they just bought at a discount.

Example: lets say your irresistible offer is
Protein shake ; When you buy our protein shake, you get 2 more for Free! for just $37.

Now the upsell: Wait! Before you leave would you like to add 2 more protein shake to your order for just $20. Save your $17.

You will be amazed how many people will order more of the same thing they just bought.

What we are doing here is to increase our Average Order Value, and that’s the real game of e-commerce. This would be able to pay for your ad cost and even spend more to acquire more customers.

“The person that spends the most to aquire a customer wins”. Full stop.

6. Crossells: A product that you can add to or complement the initial purchase…wait here’s your protein shake would you like some antibiotics with that.

Then the circle continues for other products.

Shopify becomes thee backend .
After they’ve joined your list, you can now sell them on other products in your store.

The goal is put your foot in the door for them to enter.

I’ve listed the complete funnel your customer needs to go through on a post i did before… can’t go through all of them here.